For the past eight years, I have created a series of watercolor neuroscience art prints for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and animal researchers. My clients include veterinary neurologists who work with domestic animals like cats and dogs to farm animals like horses and pigs. In the process of working with these compassionate people, I have learned that vets don’t have the time to decorate their offices. That’s why I created these series of animal brain art prints.
In my veterinary neurology art, I hope to show the beauty and potential of our animal friends. I also hope that my neuroscience art prints lie in the space between veterinary neuroscience and art.
Before we get too far in this article about veterinary art, please make sure to explore my Etsy neuroscience art shop and take a look at my most popular wall art for veterinarians.
I also have a small poster that includes 12 different animal brain prints here.

Neuroscience Art Prints for Veterinarians
These neuroscience art prints are the perfect wall art decor for veterinarians and veterinary clinics. Most veterinarians work with the following animals:
- Dogs
- Cats
- Horses
- Rats
- Rabbits
That is why I decided to create these 5 neuroscience art prints for veterinarians.

1. Dog Brain Art Print – Neuroscience Art Prints for Veterinarians
Dogs are the most common domestic animals that veterinarians work with. The domestic dog is the domesticated descendant of the ancient, extinct wolf, the Pleistocene wolf and the modern wolf is the domestic dogs nearest relative. Because the first dogs were domesticated by hunter-gathers over 15,000 years ago, dogs have been bred for a variety of tasks, sensory abilities, and physical attributes.
Because of this long history of working alongside humankind, society has give dogs the title, ‘man’s best friend.’ Dog owners will know that dogs are loyal, faithful and loving. In fact, dogs often symbolize guidance, protection, fidelity, faithfulness and devotion.
These dog brain art prints convey the possibility and love that our pet dogs provide us.

2. Cat Brain Art Print – Neuroscience Art Prints for Veterinarians
Cats also make up a a major share of veterinary patients. Like dogs, cats make a huge impression on our family lives and offer us love and companionship. There are over 60 different cat breeds and individual cats can be house cats, farm cats, or feral cats. Cats are the second most popular animals only to dogs.
Historically, cats have been used to control rodent populations around grain stores and aboard ships. The domestic cat, also has an interesting mythological history that dates back to ancient Egypt. In more modern times, cats, especially black cats, have been associated with witches and witchcraft. In fact, it is notable to state that there was a mass execution of cats during the early 14th century. It is widely believed that this mass execution of cats lead directly to the spread of the Black Plague because rat populations exploded without cats to keep their number in check.
The following cat brain art prints show the beauty of our favorite feline friends.

3. Horse Brain Art – Neuroscience Art Prints for Equine Veterinarians
Horses, like cats and dogs, are domesticated, however horses are generally used for farm work and less as pets. Humans began domesticating horses around 4000BC and their domestication was widespread by 300BC. Horses and humans have a long history of working alongside each other in war, police work, agriculture, and therapy.
Anyone who has worked with horses know that they are incredibly intelligent and emotional creatures. Because people create such strong connection with their horses, they become family members very similar to the ways that cats and dogs do.
These horse brain art prints capture the beauty and possibility of horse intelligence and makes a great gift for equine veterinarians who work with horse neurology.

4. Brown Rat Brain Art – Neuroscience Art Prints for Veterinarians
Anyone who has owned a pet rat know that they are curious, lovable and playful. The fancy rat or rattus norvegicus domestica is the domesticated version of the brown rat and he most common species of rats kept as pets. Even though we might not know it, humans depend on fancy rats for medical research so that we can get the treatments, medications and other life saving treatments. This is because rat physiology is similar to that of humans.
This brown rat brain art print is the perfect gift for anyone who works in neurological research and works closely with rats.

5. Rabbit Brain Art
And finally, we have the rabbit brain art. Rabbit kept as pet are sweet and easy pets that develop a strong bond with their owners. The rabbit also appears fairly frequently throughout folklore across he world because their population is so widespread across the globe. Often times, the rabbit is seen as a trickster figure who uses their cunning to outwit their adversaries.
This veterinary wall art of the rabbit brain captures the sweetness and possibilities that lie within the rabbit brain.

What is Veterinary Neuroscience?
Veterinary neurology is the branch of medicine that treats pets affected by diseases of the nervous system: the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and muscles. Common neurologic disorders include epilepsy, herniated disks, spinal and head injuries, meningitis, and cancers of the nervous system.
Veterinary neurologists can provide the follow in your pet care:
Specifically, veterinary neurologists can provide the following:
- A neurologic examination
- Brain and spinal cord imaging, including CT and bone scans, MRI, ultrasound, myelography, and radiography
- Spinal fluid tap and analysis
- Neurosurgery of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerve system
- Knowledge of clinical trials available to pets with specific neurologic disorders
People who work in veterinary neuroscience love our brain art prints because they present actual brain art images with the unique elements of abstract watercolor paintings
Etsy Neuroscience Art
If you are interested in seeing my entire collection of neuroscience art, please visit my Etsy store, InnerStellarArt, where offer brain art prints, posters, greeting cards, magnets and stickers.